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Preventing Cyber Crime is an primary mission of EyeQ Dot Net Private Limited.

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Offering peace of mind to our clients by providing unique security services.

Vulnerability Assessment EyeQ Dot Net

What is Vulnerability Assessment Services

In today's digital landscape, securing your organization's assets from cyber threats is more critical than ever. Simply put, V-A-P-T Service is a proactive “hacking” activity in which Ethical Hackers hack your infrastructure before hackers come looking for loopholes.

Our Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing service (Vulnerability Assessment Services) are designed to identify, assess, and mitigate vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure, applications, and networks. With our expert team and cutting-edge tools, we help you stay ahead of potential security breaches.

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Vulnerability Assessment services in Stockport United Kingdom

Our Approach

Our Vulnerability Assessment surpass the industry and regulatory standards, consistently going above and beyond the baseline requirements. Here are a few ways we go the extra mile.

  • Our qualified experts will do a complete assessment using an adversary mindset, as well as manual testing on each field, page, and API based on our extensive research and knowledge of emerging cyber security threats.

  • When we identify an issue, we provide video evidence (POC) of the vulnerability and its exploitability where applicable.

  • True Manual penetration testing rather than a vulnerability scan, which some people refer to as a “Vulnerability Assessment Services”

  • We have a growing library of 200+ specific tests we run. Our specialized cyber security researcher team is always looking for new ways to test.


Types of Vulnerability Assessment Services
in Stockport United Kingdom

Webapp Vulnerability Assessment Services is a specialized form of penetration testing tailored specifically for web applications. This process involves skilled penetration testers deploying various attack techniques to identify and evaluate vulnerabilities within the application.

By understanding these vulnerabilities and their potential impacts, businesses can take proactive measures to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.

In the era of smartphones and mobile applications, ensuring the security of your mobile devices is paramount. Mobile Application Penetration Testing (MAPT) is a specialized form of penetration testing designed specifically for mobile applications.

This process involves skilled penetration testers deploying advanced offensive techniques to identify and evaluate vulnerabilities within mobile applications. By understanding these vulnerabilities and their potential impacts, businesses can take Defensive actions to enhance their mobile security and maintain privacy policy.

In the inter-connected world of today, ensuring the security of your network is critical. Network Penetration Testing (NPT) is a specialized form of testing designed to uncover vulnerabilities within both internal and external networks.

This process involves certified penetration testers engaging in rigorous assessments to identify bugs and provide actionable measures to enhance network cyber security.

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to revolutionize enterprise IT infrastructure, ensuring the security of connected devices is more critical than ever. IoT Penetration Testing (IoT PT) is a specialized form of testing designed to identify vulnerabilities within the IoT ecosystem and provide actionable measures to enhance cyber resilience.

This process involves skilled penetration testers rigorously assessing the security of IoT devices and networks, ensuring comprehensive protection against potential threats.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are crucial for enabling seamless interaction between software systems. However, their widespread use also makes them prime targets for cyber attacks. If Not properly configured, can leads to issues like Broken Access controls or Priviledge escalations. API Penetration Testing (API PT) is a specialized form of testing designed to identify vulnerabilities within APIs and provide actionable measures to enhance security.

This process involves skilled penetration testers rigorously assessing the security of APIs to ensure comprehensive protection against potential threats.

Vulnerability Assessment Services Providor in Stockport United Kingdom

Why does your organization need Vulnerability Assessment Service

in Stockport United Kingdom

There are many risks and weaknesses in both the physical and digital domains. Building a digital security infrastructure that is safe and unbreakable at all times requires a methodical and thorough examination. The advantages of performing a Vulnerability Assessment for your company are listed below:

  • It helps in determining the effectiveness of existing security infrastructure
  • Helps in identifying vulnerabilities, security weaknesses, loopholes & threats
  • It safeguards your business from financial loss & reputational damage
  • Assists in maintaining and achieving regulatory compliance
  • Keeps the risks of cybercrime and data breach at bay
  • Employs a thorough security strategy with automated and manual testing.
Security Assessment in Stockport United Kingdom

Certifications for Vulnerability Assessment services

VAPT services are in high demand across various industries. Many compliance standards mandate regular audits. Some of these well-known standards include:

  • ISO 27002 / ISO 27001

  • SOX – SarbansOxley Act

  • TRAI – Authority Indian Telecommunications Regulator

  • DOT – Department of Telecommunications

  • COBIT – Control specification for information technology and related technologies

The Benefits Of taking Vulnerability Assessment Services from EyeQ Dot Net

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Don’t compromise on security, choose excellence with EyeQ Dot Net.

Enhance your business’s security with an in-depth, hacker-style penetration test.

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FAQ's on Vulnerability Assessment

  • What is the difference between VA and PT?

    Vulnerability Assessment Services is basically an information security process that is performed by a team of experts both manually and automatically to gauge and categorize systems’ vulnerability and gaps in a network. Whereas penetration testing is an authorized offensive attack on a network’s systems to know the strength of their security.

  • Is Security Assessment mandatory for ISO 27001?

    Yes as per one requirement of ISO27001 which is A.12.6.1 Annex A of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 – an organization is required to prevent potential vulnerabilities from being exploited. So it is not mandatory to conduct Assessments, however, va-pt will help you fulfill the requirement of preventing potential vulnerabilities from being exploited. It will do so through a comprehensive test of all systems connected to the network, identifying vulnerabilities and threats in them and experts suggesting remediation steps to improve your cybersecurity.

  • What information would you need to provide a quote?

    We will email you with a questionnaire that should take under 15 minutes to fill out. The questionnaire helps us gather the information we need to provide an accurate quote. In most cases, we respond with quote the same business day we receive filled-out questionnaire.

  • What are zero-day vulnerabilities?

    All software can have vulnerabilities. When those vulnerabilities are not published or known by the software owners/vendors, they are called zero-day vulnerabilities. When hackers take advantage of a zero-day vulnerability

  • We are in the cloud, isnt that already secure? Why do we need a pen test?

    Cloud services, by themselves, do not guarantee top level security, unless the environments are meticulously architected for high security. If you are using cloud and SaaS, its best for you to conduct security assessments. When a cloud server is compromised, it most likely compromises far higher number of users and entities, hence the audit is far more important.

  • What is VAPT and why is it important for application security?

    VAPT stands for Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing. It is a comprehensive approach to identifying, assessing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in applications. VA is crucial for app sec as it helps uncover crucial security flaws before they can be exploited by cybercriminals, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your applications.

  • How does VAPT help protect my business from cyber threats?

    Vulnerability-Assessments helps safeguard your business by identifying security vulns in your applications and network infrastructure. By simulating real-world attacks, Pen Tests provides insights into how an attacker might exploit these vulnerabilities. This allows you to proactively address identified vulnerabilities, strengthen your defenses, and reduce the risk of data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage.

  • How often should my business conduct va-pt?

    It is recommended to conduct Assessments at least once a year or after any major changes to your application or infrastructure. Additionally, regular VAPT should be part of your ongoing security strategy to ensure continuous protection against emerging threats and vulnerabilities. This helps maintain a robust security posture and compliance with industry regulations.

  • What should I look for when choosing a Vulnerability Assessment service provider?

    When choosing a Security Assessment services, consider the following factors:
    Experience and Expertise: Ensure the provider has a proven track record in conducting VAPT for your industry.
    Comprehensive Approach: The provider should offer both VA and PT.
    Customized Solutions: Look for tailored service providor that address your specific security needs.
    Detailed Reporting: The provider should deliver clear, actionable reports with prioritized remediation steps.
    Post-Assessment Support: Ensure the provider offers support for implementing recommended security measures and re-testing to validate fixes.

  • What tools are commonly used in V-A

    Common tools Are:
    Burp Suite: For webapp testing.
    Nessus: For vulnerability scanning.
    Metasploit: For penetration testing and exploitation.
    OWASP ZAP: For finding security vulnerabilities in web applications.
    Wireshark: For network protocol analysis.
    Nmap: For network discovery and security auditing.

  • How can Pen testing help in achieving compliance with industry standards?

    Pen test helps organizations achieve compliance with various industry standards and regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, and ISO 27001. Regular VA-PT ensure that security controls are in place, vulnerabilities are addressed, and risks are mitigated, helping organizations meet the required security benchmarks and avoid penalties.

  • What are the benefits of outsourcing va pt to a professional provider?

    Outsourcing to a professional provider offers several benefits:
    Expertise:Access to skilled security professionals with extensive experience.
    Objectivity:An unbiased assessment of your security posture.
    Advanced Tools:Use of cutting-edge tools and methodologies.
    Time and Cost Efficiency:Saves time and resources compared to in-house efforts.
    Comprehensive Reporting:Detailed and actionable reports with prioritized remediation steps.
    Continuous Support:Ongoing support and guidance to maintain and improve security measures.

  • How to Get Vulnerability Assessments Certification for My Production Applications?
EyeQ Dot Net's Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing